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Where to Find Craft Coffee in South Bay – Pavaraga Cafe

  Let’s face it, there are limited options when it comes to coffee in the South Bay. Local coffee culture is choked down by the ever populating chain coffee shops. I have found a few gems during my coffee adventuring with San Diego Coffee Questers, and today I offer you one more to add to the list. Pavaraga - the World’s Most Luxurious Coffee Disclosure Statement: I received a complimentary meal and coffee drink samples in exchange for this blog…

mostra cold brew craft coffee san diego

Coffee Oasis in the North – Mostra Coffee

Yesterday I went with the San Diego Coffee Questers to a cold brew release party at Mostra Coffee, located in Rancho Bernardo. It’s in North County? I thought as I googled directions. “The North,” tends to be a land of suburban neighborhoods filled with chain restaurants and chain coffee shops. Don’t get me wrong, I still drink Starbucks. But I love craft coffee too. I don’t consider myself a coffee snob, but I do enjoy seeing local businesses who take…

easter weaving baguio city

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